Monday, June 11, 2007

Today I Don't Really Like My Kids

I was sick all weekend and am still a bit weak and out of sorts. It's one of those days when my kids really get on my nerves. They are not to the point of understanding that sometimes Mommy needs to chill and they need to let her. Sabrina has been clingy and crabby. David is still figuring out that school really is out for the summer, so his schedule is totally fudged up.

When life throws a monkey wrench into the works for David, he gets crabby, mean to his sister, and has potty-training regression issues. We let him run around the house naked from the waist down on days like this, because that helps him to remember. Today, however, it only made things worse. Yep, you guessed it: A little poop here, a little poop there, a little bit of poop everywhere! This does not help my mood. (In the middle of typing this, I had to stop and help David clean up another mess.)

They both needed a trip to the park today, but Mommy couldn't risk it. Let's just say that a nearby bathroom is a necessity right now. And a clean one is much preferred. Our city has made a lot of budget cuts and one big thing they've done is closed the bathrooms in the parks. They've got portable units, but c'mon: they're not meant for people with gastrointestinal situations like mine. Having diarrhea (dire rear, David calls it) is bad enough - can you imagine barfing into one of those things? OMG - having to look down into it? Possible splash-back? No thank you! We'll go the park tomorrow.

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