Saturday, June 30, 2007

Go see Ratatouille!!

I think Ratatouille is one of my new favorite movies. Animated, at least. And the animation is exquisite in Ratatouille. The gleaming pots, the steam, the vegetables - everything in the kitchen is perfectly rendered. A portrayal so vivid you can smell the food, taste the wine. Amazing. And there's a real script!! A story. It's not predictable, which is amazing. I don't want to get into too much detail, because I want you to go see this movie. I don't want to spoil any part of it for you. I love the fact that, aside from Peter O'Toole, they didn't use big stars for the voices. The voices fit the characters and you aren't distracted by overly familiar intonations. Though one character sounds exactly like David Schwimmer, but it's not. I would have bet the house that it was and husband thought so too. There's no farting, burping, scatological humor, no sex - it's rated G. A wonderful family-friendly movie that will appeal to plenty of child-free adults. It truly has something for everyone. (Can you tell I really liked this movie?)

Our six-year-old, David, adored this movie also. He sat through it without complaint. Sabrina was another story. This is the second movie to which we have taken our darling 2-year-old. The first was Shrek the Third and she handled it very well. Ratatouille, not so much. She was interested, but very tired. Tired baby = cranky baby = mommy driven insane. She finally fell asleep for the last third of the movie. Yeah nap time!!

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