Friday, June 22, 2007

Sabrina has *Two* Daddies

Sabrina loves when her Daddy comes home from work. She runs, throws her arms around his shins, and yells "DADDY!!" It's very cute. When Mommy comes in, she runs, throws her arms around my knees (I'm shorter), and yells . . . "DADDY!" Yep, apparently I'm also "Daddy." If I correct her and say "No, Mommy" she gives me that look that all 2-year-olds master that says "You're so SILLY!" Sometimes she says "no, no, no" and just grins wildly. She cannot be convinced to call me Mommy. Daddy it is then. I can't wait to explain this when she starts preschool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha! I had no problem with both my boys only knowing how to say Daddy for the short time that went on. ;)