Tuesday, June 12, 2007

It's the *sticky* time of year

The sticky weather has arrived. Oh, I don't mean the humidity. No, in my house stickiness comes from Fla Vor Ice (yes, that's actually how they spell it). My kids go through them like crazy. I cut them in half (the Fla Vor Ice, not the kids) after they're frozen so the kids aren't trying to eat a whole one each time. This year we bought the Fla Vor Ice Plus - 2 cases of 200 each (thank you Costco). They have "25% real juice!" so I can tell myself I'm not just giving them sugar water. Of course, I'm really just giving them sugar water.
A good mommy would make her own popsicles out of real juice, but we all know I'm not that mom. I do make my own sorbet from fresh fruit, but don't tell anyone. It'll ruin my street cred.

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