Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Wednesday Mind Hump

Wanna mind Hump? Check out Wednesday Mind Hump here:

1. Have you ever cut or burned yourself while cooking?
Yes, I do one or the other almost daily. I once sliced off a big chunk of my thumb whilst slicing potatoes with a mandoline. I finished making dinner before going to the med center to have it repaired, but nearly fainted several times. (I couldn't go to the med center till hubby came home to drive me anyway - I couldn't drive myself in that condition.)

2. Have you ever put in a wrong ingredient in a dish (sugar instead of salt, for example)?
Um, guilty as charged! I've tried to repair it and save the dish. Sometimes it works, sometimes not so much. I've done wrong spice, sugar/salt/flour/cornstarch/baking soda mix-ups, you name it - I've f'd it up!

3. Have you ever dropped, or otherwise ruined, a dish just before serving it? Bonus points if you had a large number of people waiting to eat it.

Yes, I've dropped stuff - chicken, turkey. I've also put it under the broiler for "just a moment" to brown up before serving and turned dinner into a large chunk o' carbon. I dropped a Thankgiving turkey once, but my mom helped me clean it up and make it both presentable and edible. Thanks Mom!

4. In case you aren't a cook - Have you ever had a restaurant make a klutzy move that affected your meal? Tell us about it!
I have been served a plate of salt, with a little food thrown in for flavor. This seems to be a common restaurant problem.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I wanted to visit the other Wednesday mind hump participants and read about other cooking disasters. Glad you participated! I enjoyed reading your post! :)

Anonymous said...

LOL A plate of salt. yum!


Thanks for visiting my entry as well :)

sandy shoes said...

So true about the plate of salt...