Sunday, October 14, 2007

More pictures in restaurants

Sunday is Family Day at one of our favorite bar/restaurants. $1.99 kid's meals aka Wild Child meals. That's right - we love Buffalo Wild Wings, which we still call BW3. When I was pregnant with David, I was sick every single day from about 3-4 weeks until 33 or 34 weeks. The only thing that calmed my nausea was spicy food. I can't explain it, but hot, spicy chicken wings made me feel much better. So I went to BW3 almost every day of that pregnancy and got the hottest wings I could stand, stuff that burned your skin to just touch it. I can't even eat them that hot anymore, but I could tolerate some nasty hot sauce back then. Hormones, maybe? We tell David that he was constructed from chicken wings and Diet Coke - virtually all I consumed while pregnant.

So we were out, we took pictures. You get to see my new, shorter haircut. Totally unstraightened (shouldn't the humidity be diminishing by now? Shouldn't I not have to work so hard to straighten it? Oh well.) Aren't you lucky?

If you look really hard, you can see Matt behind David and me, playing a video game. Some shooter thing. He's quite good at those and Sabrina loves to watch. David, as always, prefers to be with Mommy. Such stereotypical kids: a mama's boy and a daddy's girl.

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